This egg was so fun to make, didn’t have to stress over it, except to check out some pictures of humpty dumpty to remember that his trousers were actually part of the egg-shape. I started out with a medium chicken egg (i don’t think suppliers like to label things “small” but i think this was small), emptied the contents into the frying pan, and washed it out several times (routine). I covered the whole egg first in a white-transparent and flower petal mixture of ground up yellow and white roses (you can see the flecks), reasonably thin layer and cured the egg (not forgetting to poke a hole in the bottom where the air could escape without creating bubble in the clay layer.
Nose and eyes and mouth and ears next, and blue for his britches. Cure, added legs and arms and shoes and tie and collar and cured again. There is a little bit of varathane on his shoes, and bow-tie, and eyeballs, but I actually chose deliberately NOT to have him be shinny. BTW where is a little blue jeans pocket on his backside.