This egg looks like it has x chromosomes on it all in a row midway to the bottom. LOL. And whats more, the x chromosomes have a little NOR at their center (that is the acronym for nucleolar organizing region) again, hahaha. The original cane was a dark purple and brown and black and white butterfly cane. Used elsewhere, there was a substantial amount of cane left over, and I have used it in several different eggs. I must admit that probably it is too dark, as it was reduced in size the black became a dominant color. Next canes I make are going to have very little black, just learning this stuff, and having a great time doing it. This egg was so smooth and satin-feeling that I didn’t coat it with varathane. I do think you will see it again in a few weeks, as it seems to me NOT to have any particularly spectacular points, and I have envisioned small spouts (about 5) on it. I will drill holes, then build the spouts, and have flowers on wires i think, coming out of the spouts.