Letting a cane rest: polymer clay eggs

Life is a learning experience, so is working with any medium, polymer clay included.  I so get interested in the process of figuring out a new medium (or for my work during the “real work hours” finding a new pattern in the ultrastructure of cells).  I don’t know about you, but for me it has to be hands on.  I love tutorials but I don’t know what questions to ask until I get my hands and elbows deep into the projects and the medium.  So here i learned that using an old cane and a new cane together (especially when the cane is made with a softer polymer clay like Premo or Fimo soft) that they work together in entirely different manners while under the same roller or finger pressure.  The star like flower cane of black and white and yellow and a red center is months old, maybe a half a hear, while the yellow red and white cane was made the same day as I began layering it on this chicken egg shell.  Working them smooth, one moved around enormously, the other stayed the same. The third cane white petals and black background and a dotted center was about one month old.  This is how I learn.  While one is not better, they sure are different.

learning about polymer clay covered eggs