More burr oak caps for polymer clay eggs

These burr oak caps make the cutest birds nests for eggs of all kinds. Some burr oak acorns seem to open and drop out the nut easily, others remain tightly close until squirrel or car tires open them up.  I did not find a species difference online but i bet there is one.

I collected some acorn caps, washed them in soap and water and dried (sterilizing?) them in an oven at 260.  The little bushy stuff tends to break off so i coated these with aquathane (about two coats).

Inside this particular burr oak acorn cap is a polymer clay egg, made with a left over cane that has “pine needles” ground and kneaded into the clay, from my late cousins property in northern california. Egg was built over one of the tiny eggs left over from when the kids and I played with clay.

one inch polymer clay made with a cane containing flower petals placed in a burr oak acorn cap