This is a wonderfully uplifting cartoon, and hopefully the friendship here will be a long one. @2016
Bottom drawing I couldn’t resist posting, done on that old greenbar computer paper, spots and weather and all, it vectorized into a great rainbow.
As for happy faces…. not always……. i wonder what part of the brain is responsible for creating and seeing emotion in facial expressions and body language….obviously a critical place for civilization to have, and use, and with which to fluorish. Some individuals just don’t have it — yea, somtimes whole civilizations just don’t have it.
What a great topic to study using kids drawings to delve into what kinds of civilizations (in the familiy, city, country, boundaries) they grow/grew up in
I remember my sara’s drawings……… lots of hair like corin’s drawings (hair is obviously an important identifier for little girls)… but saras girls were dressed to the hilt, extremely detailed with fringe, lace, loops, big skirts way to big for anyone to walk in, puffy sleeves, earrings, jewelry, kissy lips, etc …. but corin has adopted the icon of the “power puff” girls….. emulated their extremely simplified bodies, but has added to (and i might add improved) that set of icons an enormous amounts of emotion….in the eyes mouth and body. Interesting.
Maybe i missed my calling… i could have done “kids art analysis” in stead of spending my life looking down a dumb microscope! haha