Lollipop please!

Love this expression, both one of hope and disappointent, a little soulful as well as sad.  Little girl asking her mother for a lollipop (or in this case more likely asking her dad – who might not want her to eat so much sugar). At any rate the expression is priceless, and very heart-felt, and also relevant to what we feel as adults when those little bumps and twists in life feel kind of like we are asking for something out of “life” that isn’t going to happen. @2016

corins cartoons lollipop please

Are you listening?

While this little girl is probably looking straight into the eyes of a parent wondering whether or not what she is saying is being heard, but please take this image to the greater context of the global rise of hate-speach, anti-immigration policies, racial and religious discrimination.  It is an alarming phenomenon — particularly as US immigration policy is hostile, others leaders are emboldened, e.g.  “Hungary’s parliament is set to debate draft legislation  that would make it illegal to help illegal immigrants, in a move that has alarmed human rights groups”. The words are openly stated that the goal is  to keep Hungary “white” and “christian”. This is antichristian policy cloaked to appeal to xenophobes, but is a very non-christian practice.

Check on Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and yoimmigration policyu gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,…”

What is more critical is that there is no way to define “white” or “christian” as there are about 7 billion different shades of skin and 7 billion different takes on christianity…. who would be drawing the  line.  My recommendation is to provide Ancestry DNA kits to the upper government officials…. they will be surprised to know their own roots, and perhaps they would not be “white” as they think, this in and of itself might change their attitudes.

Anti-immigration is NOT christian, it can’t be interpreted otherwise. Immigration policies need to adapt. Allowing suffering is not a christian value.

So here is a little girl asking a parent, perhaps, to listen to what she, and they are saying pertaining to a smaller issue in life — but in the bigger picture… I am asking if anyone is listening to the anti-christian rhetoric masquerading as christianity. @2016