Mortar and scrap tile decorated very large easter egg

This product is going to have to have added shipping unless you want to pick up yourself at my location. LOL, shipping would be too much to think about since the egg itself weigs likely around 10 lbs maybe 15. This egg is at least 1 foot tall, and is decorated with scrap mosaic and plastic tiles using thin-set mortar with additive, and brown grout. It probably could survive outside in very very cold weather but should be brought inside in the winter. The base is a salvaged hollow plastic egg (not hard plastic but kind of a mix of a flexible but still rigid plastic… no clue what kind it is). I have used other plastic eggs left over and salvaged from decorations and they have survived for several years.

If you have a plastic egg you want to drop off to me, i can do this for you, no size limitation, only limitation on size is that you have to move it when its finished LOL.

There are two views to look at on this website “eggsorcism” and “pinterest”
mortar and tile decorated one foot large easter egg