3 Small mosaic flower pots, mostly recycled pots (a couple new) and all reclaimed and recycled tesserae, and on the edge thinset mortar, and left over grout from floors. I dont spend much time on these, but used them to just “smooth out” the roughness of daily life, putting pieces together in a very “quick and impulsive” way.
They are not museum pieces, i know well, but they are gratifying, and i like the visual effect of color and design.
The last image in this column is my favorite, as the vertical lines, smooth glossy texture of the tiles is kind of “comforting”. They come from a partial sheet of left over tiles purchased for very little $, from Building Value, in Cincinnati. My go-to for scrap tile used to be Mees Bro, but they stopped putting their scraps out for mosaic artists…. dont know why?