Mosaic cone, christmas tree, all scraps (including the grout).
Cone was made with left over laminating plastic rescued from the dumpster in UC Printing services about 35 years ago, the “air-crete” was made from outdated tile mortar and crushed styrofoam packaging (i should have crumbled it into smaller pieces), additive (the last in the container, being retrieved with what water to wash it out), and all tiles from scrap collections at Building Value, and the marbles and glass drops from St. Vincent DePaul. The grout also from Building Value was colored with very old (yes 45 years) acrylic pain globs which barely mixed in it was so dry.
Not particularly easy to make, and I have no idea why the idea popped into my head (except that I like to make mosaics, LOL), nor why I felt compelled to create a test run, but when I posted this I saw that hundreds of other mosaic enthusiasts had made something like this.
It was still pretty heavy, even as “air-crete” but at least I was able to lift it to the front porch to put it beside other salvaged christmas trees… LOL
In the future, i would have grouted it with something dark green or brown. I guess if i had the energy i could paint the grout.