Gingerbread christmas tree, family project

Gingerbread christmas tree, family project by 6 (kids and adults). All scraps, and fun, maybe cute, but certainly a quick afternoon and touchup project.

All this stems from a gingerbread house from 37 years ago when my then 6 year old son said…. “this is the best day of my life”.  It is a tradition that has paused many times, but some grandkids are now participating.  This was the first ever time I have constructed a base looking like a “tree”, more practice is needed.  LOL. Prototypes are a good place for improvement.  And a little more in the way of structural design elements would have helped guide this into a more orderly tree.  Previoius gingerbread houses had rooves and towers and windows which were obvious places for kids and adults to add candy and cookie, this was a pretty much blank slate and therefor shows little coordination in effort.