Checkers and hearts quilt top

Checkers and hearts quilt top mad all from scraps, no new basic square cut, everything just random. The hearts of course were cut out of the closest size scrap. Nothing new, not thread, not material,  just for the love of getting rid of the scraps, and enjoying random chaos.

I could have planned a little more….  i think that some straight lines from top to bottom and side to side would have been comforting, but i chose to fit it all together “as it fell” so to speak.

Thomas Arthur Turner – Hollywood High School Yearbook Cartoons

Thomas Arthur Turner – Hollywood High School Yearbook Cartoons, circa the years of 1925 to 1930? Not sure when he attended. He was born in 1915 but certainly was into cartooning for the yearbook long before he graduated.

This one is obvious for the “catcher” at some point, an historic blooper, or call, who would know?.  There are the original image, edited image (photoshop), and edited further (CorelDRAW).  A tribute to my very talented and wonderful parent, father, inspiration.

Thomas Arthur Turner – Hollywood High School Yearbook Cartoons

Thomas Arthur Turner – Hollywood High School Cartoons circa 1920, around there,  my father did cartoons for the high school yearbook. I thought i would share them, as originals, from the story boards that he glued them to for photography.

Roller skating….  obviously a face-plant. The image is as a jpg file for the Yearbook. Someone roller skating in a rink…

original cartoon drawing by Thomas Arthur Turner for Hollywood high school year book in the early 1920s

3 foot tall gingerbread house

3 foot tall gingerbread house, made by 3 of my grandkids, and two of my kids this winter 2023, a throwback to decades ago when it was a yearly tradition. This is a pretty big gingerbread house, I think the biggest that we have done.  I will add more pictures.  Hopefully it will go to Ronald McDonald house in Cincinnati, or to the YMCA.