Old bracelet, heart 2, kite

Old bracelet, heart 2, kite, see previous post for the story behind this tiny painted “ceramic?” artwork. At least 70 years old, add to that the years before I received it from my aunt. Possibly a ceramic painting, possibly NOT silver, but maybe, repaired at some point (more than 70 years ago), possible Chinese or Japanese. Any help is appreciated, find my email at PDQpatterns(dot)com
Bracelet heart painting, kite.
antique chinese or japanese ceramic painted chain linked heart bracelet

Very old bracelet, hearts painted

This image is from a very old bracelet, hearts painted apparently as ceramic, pretty much cracked now. I have had the bracelet for about 70 years. It was given to me by an aunt who was attending UCLA, and there was a member of the Hawaiian family? as the story was told to me, that was maybe a princess.  The name given to me I cannot exactly remember, but something like Leihani.  I have looked at some data online and the time frame does not seem to fit, but i have no doubt that my aunt had some information about the origin of the bracelet, as it was linked to a Hawaiian royal family.

Here is one such “heart” from 8 hearts.  This looked Chinese to me, but a friend said that maybe it was closer to Japanese and NOT cloisonne, perhaps a painting.

Two images below are the original image (bottom) and top, vectorized, just for a different look.  I would welcome any comments, though i have comments turned off on this wordpress site, i think you will find my email somewhere else, like PDQpatterns(dot)com.

The actual heart is a little less than 3/4 of an inch from point to top

antique chinese or japanese bracelet, 8 hearts, ceramic painting, miniature portraits

red and white daisies, street art

red and white daisies, street art  (no eggs made yet this year,  thinking about it however)

This is a vectorized (and otherwise doctored) drawing that I made decades ago, knocked off the wall in a hurry to get three kids to the airport on time one morning. Glass never replaced, and just kind of a memory at this point. Still a fun image.

Street art, all hearts

Street art, all hearts (monoprint 7), with and without custom name (of my granddaughter Corin) but you can choose the name i use in this style. Shorter names or nicknames work best.   The file with the name, is the top image, and the basic file I will edit with your name is below.

street artwork, custom names all hearts digital prints street artwork, custom names all hearts digital prints

Street art, all hearts

Just for the love of “love” and “peace” in this troubled world, and also for submission to a competition for “printed” art  (though this version has been edited digitally).

The purpose is to save our planet. All items, paper, stamps, inks, sponges, eraser alphabets, eraser heart stamps, carving tools, bubble wrap, carpet padding as a curb side rescue, house paint, salvaged paint from the nearby school dumpster. NOTHING NEW, NOTHING.  all reused, recycled, rescued ingredients.  A fun project indeed, and one day with my daughter and two of my grandaughters was fun and they produced great stuff.  This particular monoprint is simple, but kind of says “love” even being made from “trash”.

street artwork, custom names all hearts digital prints