Constance Braasch

Constance Braasch, music teacher and art teacher, who truly impacted my life. In fact two artists, the other was Lucille Castle Innes.  My mom was busy rearing 5 kids, and it was just after WWII. These women gave me a view for the future.

This card was painted by Constance Braasch circa 1950-1960

AI – scary reduction of detailed and tedious hand work to 5 seconds on canva

AI – scary reduction of detailed and tedious hand work to 5 seconds on canva

I dont know about you but it takes hours and hours to do needlework, quilting, stained glass, mosaic and while this generated in five seconds by AI is nice, it is still NOT the object, but in about two years, 3D printing will be so common that you will be able to reproduce what would ordinarily take months, in a few hours, or minutes.

What can I do for the victims of the California fires?

What can I do for the victims of the California fires that have devastated so many lives, and whole communities?  I will come up with more ideas hopefully.  So far, polymer clay, and custom stained glass patterns — cross stitch, and printable street art (all are printable for that matter). (four different styles for a house pattern (all printable) but some for specific crafts.

Thinking of what might bring comfort to those who lost their homes I came up with this idea.  I dont know if this tiny contribution can bring any solace, but I think it would were I in that condition.

I am willing to try to make some kind of tiny replica (like a refrigerator magnet, or worry stone or plaque, using polymer clay), or small picture, or street art with or without some text, that can be printed on a tee shirt or hat or other item of clothing. Or, create a cross stitch or needlepoint or beading pattern using an image that is sent to me.

I began by making a sample (a refrigerator magnet) of my daughter’s house (150 year old two story brick (long ago painted cream color)).  So I fully understand this is not 3D printed, and not from some precise press, and it will take some practice, but there might be some comfort in this type of keepsake, and I am willing to contribute supplies and time.

Custom stained glass patterns are available too, but one needs to find a stained glass person who will build this, or this can be used for printing by a company like 4imprint.

Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School: books

Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School@1932 or 1933.

A wheelbarrow full of books, and a sad face.

I knew my father well enough to understand that inventing was his passion, but certainly not book reading.  (those genes he passed on to me…. I hated school…even though he got an honorary degree, and i got a PhD, it was certainly not through the written word.

Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School

Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School, sometime in the early 1930s.  I guess this cartoon was about some teacher who was giving a student a hard time.  No way of knowing.   The original ink drawing is on the bottom, the vectorized and colored cartoon is on the top.  FUn to remember my dad.  (Love the pricklie sweater, likely very itchy wool.