Thomas Arthur Turner, Hollywood High School year book cartoons: the first selfie.
Thomas Arthur Turner, Hollywood High School yearbook Cartoons: smarter than the professor
Thomas Arthur Turner, Hollywood High School yearbook Cartoons: smarter than the professor. Drawn sometime between 1930 and 1933. Original, and digitized and colored.
Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School: books
Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School@1932 or 1933.
A wheelbarrow full of books, and a sad face.
I knew my father well enough to understand that inventing was his passion, but certainly not book reading. (those genes he passed on to me…. I hated school…even though he got an honorary degree, and i got a PhD, it was certainly not through the written word.
Thomas Arthur Turner, letter to my son during WWII
Thomas Arthur Turner, letter to my son during WWII
Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School
Thomas Arthur Turner, yearbook cartoons Hollywood High School, sometime in the early 1930s. I guess this cartoon was about some teacher who was giving a student a hard time. No way of knowing. The original ink drawing is on the bottom, the vectorized and colored cartoon is on the top. FUn to remember my dad. (Love the pricklie sweater, likely very itchy wool.
Make 2025 Great
Make 2025 Great, printable graphic, flowers, and text, just ask for the file type you like. hobby license available if you ask.
Gingerbread christmas tree, family project
Gingerbread christmas tree, family project by 6 (kids and adults). All scraps, and fun, maybe cute, but certainly a quick afternoon and touchup project.
All this stems from a gingerbread house from 37 years ago when my then 6 year old son said…. “this is the best day of my life”. It is a tradition that has paused many times, but some grandkids are now participating. This was the first ever time I have constructed a base looking like a “tree”, more practice is needed. LOL. Prototypes are a good place for improvement. And a little more in the way of structural design elements would have helped guide this into a more orderly tree. Previoius gingerbread houses had rooves and towers and windows which were obvious places for kids and adults to add candy and cookie, this was a pretty much blank slate and therefor shows little coordination in effort.
My christmas gift
Mosaic – large strawberry pot
Mosaic – large strawberry pot, all tesserae are from the “trash, or second hand store, or Building Value store here in Cincinnati, where people send things for a “second life”. Pot is a rescue as well. I did have to buy new grout…. so that is the only expense.
This is not my favorite pot, I would have liked it better if i had added a row of white, maybe square, tiles somewhere in the middle or upper part of the pot. I plan to plant it with perennial ground cover that does not die back in the winter, and in the spring, sprinkle in a few reseeding impatiens seeds.
It is pretty heavy, and filled with dirt i do not believe i can lift it. LOL, so it will stay outside.
White spruce pine cone and lotus cone christmas tree
White spruce pine cone and lotus cone christmas tree, natural, and will decompose (without my ornaments, LOL) naturally, helping the environment. This actually was my motive, and it took a few years to assemble, one cone at a time, but I enjoy it, and it will be around for a few more years.